Version 1

There were three versions of the navigation to test. In the first version, it was the current UI at the time with the navigation in the tabs on the homepage.
Version 2

The second version had the navigation in a side bar that pushed/pulled content when expanded. This version was quickly put together during a hackathon by a developer and they allowed me to use it during this test.
Version 3

The third version had a top navigation which I created in Axure.
Test script

The initial version of the Hub we were working with had navigation in tabs on the homepage. In the test, we presented three versions; the initial version, a new design with a side navigation, and a new design with a top navigation.
The prototype was created in Axure and then tested with six users. Four out of 5 users preferred the top navigation. We also asked questions around the homepage in general which provided us feedback on how to enhance the user experience.
Results & Findings

-Top bar was preferred (4 of 6 users), however need to see how it would align with settings.
-Most users (5 out of 6) said they would want the look and feel to be the same as settings.
Data dictionary
-Do not add data dictionary to homepage, too overwhelming to user (6 out of 6 users said this)
-Can leave as a button that gets pulled up from a modal, or add as own page that gets navigated to from the top navigation. Both options were easy for users to find.
-Consider the renaming of the documentation area (2 of 6 users did not like wording)
Sign off
-Currently not being utilized by most users (4 of 6 users have never used sign off)
-Easiest to leave on homepage for users to find
-Alternatively can add to “sign off documentation”, but will need messaging/alert when document is available to sign off.
-Potentially opens a bigger discussion and need to answer some further questions:
-What does sign off mean? Does it mean we cant double back? Can we re-sign off?
Client facing Hub Homepage
-Like the way it looks
-Potential to make it personal to the user on what is presented in the Homepage
Results & Findings

The above image displays the top bar implemented and shipped into the product.